新加坡 Charles & Keith 集團Pedro ,提供時尚、平價的產品。目前台灣有兩家門市。第一間開在台北101,第二間則在今年開在台中大遠百。( 遠東百貨 Top City台中大遠 FB粉專 )
Pedro, a brand under the Singapore-based Charles & Keith Group, offers stylish and affordable products.
There are two stores in Taiwan. The first one opened in Taipei 101, and the second one opened in Taichung's Top City this year.
小小樹食 is a Taiwanese vegetarian brand that has received recognition from Michelin.There are five stores in Taiwan.One of the stores is quite unique, located in an old Japanese-style house in Taipei.
高雄流行音樂中心,與台南林百貨及FOCUS 時尚流行館合作,將打造影音展演空間,並提供民眾良好休憩及購物環境。( 自由時報 )
Kaohsiung Music Center is collaborating with Tainan Hayashi Department Store and Focus SQUARE to create an audio-visual performance space, providing the public with a pleasant environment for relaxation and shopping.
台北新地標 敦南之森。它融合科技、建築與藝術,是台北最大戶外光廊。( ShoppingDesign )
Taipei's new landmark, Taipei Lumitree. It blends technology, architecture, and art, making it the largest outdoor light corridor in Taipei.
CASETiFY 是間香港公司,產品為手機殼和電子配飾。在台灣有五間概念店,是全球三大配件品牌之一。( Casetify FB粉專 )
CASETiFY is a Hong Kong company that specializes in phone cases and electronic accessories. It has five concept stores in Taiwan and is one of the top three accessory brands in the world.
台北101換新董座 賈永婕。提出現在來101的旅客為韓國遊客,因此考慮與韓國現代百貨談合作,提升吸引力 ( 數位時代雜誌 )
Taipei 101 appoints 賈永婕 as the new chairperson. Given that most of the current visitors to Taipei 101 are Korean tourists, they are considering collaborating with Hyundai Department Store to enhance its appeal.
明年新商場Dream Plaza 開設全球最大星巴克。該門市將超越一般旗艦店。( ELLE )
Next year, the new Dream Plaza mall will open the world’s largest Starbucks. This store will surpass typical flagship stores.
台北信義區的 BELLAVITA 百貨 15週年,在一樓大廳打造一座古鎮場景。把傳統與現代的巧妙融合。( ETtoday )
BELLAVITA Mall in Taipei’s Xinyi District is celebrating its 15th anniversary by creating an ancient town scene in the first-floor atrium.A seamless blend of tradition and modernity.
台中勤美集團宣布旗下的勤美誠品綠園道、金典綠園道商場及PARK2,開放寵物入商場,並提供寵物推車。部分餐飲門市還提供專屬餐點,讓寵物跟主人一起吃飯。( ETtoday )
Taichung's CMP Group announced that its shopping malls, Park Lane by CMP, Park Lane by Splendor, and PARK2, now allow pets and provide pet strollers.Some restaurants also offer special meals, allowing pets to dine with their owners.
ORI FREDERIQO 由荷蘭設計師 Mike Frederiqo 創立。作品打破傳統框架,巧妙地將全球知名人物與品牌標誌結合,因此深受許多年輕人的喜愛。( Ori Frederiqo TW FB社群)
ORI FREDERIQO was founded by Dutch designer Mike Frederiqo. The works break away from conventional frameworks, cleverly combining global celebrities with brand logos, which has made them popular among many young men and women.
統一集團在台南將開超大複合式商場。集結7-11、星巴克、康是美、21風味館、Being Spa還有丘彼巧精品巧克力專賣店,打造多品牌複合商場。( 台南式 Tainan Style FB粉專 )
The Uni-President Group will open a large integrated shopping mall in Tainan. The mall will bring together brands like 7-Eleven, Starbucks, Cosmed, 21 Century Gourmet, Being Spa, and the CupiCho, creating a multi-brand complex.
日本平價串燒居酒屋「鳥貴族」,首家門市將開在台北新光三越南西。讓民眾相當期待,體驗日式居酒屋的氛圍。( 東森新聞 )
The Japanese affordable izakaya 'Torikizoku' will open its first store at Taipei's SKM Nanxi.Many are eagerly anticipating the chance to experience the authentic atmosphere of a Japanese-style izakaya.
台灣寵物商機高達數百億元,登記數量已超越15歲以下孩童數。百貨發現到商機,新光三越A114月改裝後,增加3家寵物品牌,已帶動來客成長近2成。( 工商時報 )
Taiwan's pet industry is worth billions of NTD, with the number of registered pets surpassing that of children under 15.SK M A11 added three pet brands in April, boosting customer traffic by nearly 20%.
位於市立圖書館總館旁的新商場 桃知道 GELEVEN PLAZA 將於9/20 開幕。商場內有TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE蔦屋書店及威秀影城進駐。( Marie Claire )
The new shopping mall Geleven Plaza, located next to the Taoyuan City Library Main Branch, will open on September 20.
Inside the mall, you'll find TSUTAYA Bookstore and Vieshow Cinemas.
誠品書店與諾貝爾醫療集團合作,重返台北車站商圈。除書籍多外,也有提供許多異國美食。( 經濟日報 )
Eslite Bookstore has collaborated with Nobel Medical Group to return to the Taipei Station shopping district. In addition to having a vast collection of books, it also offers dining brands from many different countries.
遠東 SOGO 新竹百貨 ,引進最新的ASICS 品牌風格。結合日式美學與現代科技元素,店內有跑步、籃球、排球、網球、孩童、休閒產品。( JUKSY )
Far Eastern SOGO Hsinchu Department Store introduces the latest ASICS brand styles. Combining Japanese aesthetics with modern technology elements, the store offers products for running, basketball, volleyball, tennis, children, and casual wear.
小小樹食於微風南山開旗艦店,特色為早午餐和限定餐點。另外戶外區的歐洲風格,帶來度假氛圍。( 英文台灣日報 )
小小樹食 has opened its flagship store at Breeze Nanshan, featuring brunch and exclusive dishes. The European-style outdoor seating offers a vacation-like atmosphere.
創立於2015年日本福岡咖啡 NO Cooffee 來台灣台北新光南西開首店。除了咖啡與美食,還推出限量聯名周邊商品,包括居家用品、環保杯。( vogue )
NO Coffee, founded in 2015 in Fukuoka, Japan, has opened its first store in Taipei's Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Nanxi. In addition to offering coffee and food, they have also launched limited-edition collaborative merchandise, including home goods and eco-friendly cups.
全台首家「The COACH Coffee Shop」開在台北赤峰街。將老宅翻修,一樓與茶飲品牌 ODD ONE OUT 合作,提供咖啡、茶飲與餐點;二樓則是商品展示區。( ELLE )
The first 'The COACH Coffee Shop' in Taiwan has opened on Chifeng Street.The old building has been renovated, with the first floor operating in collaboration with the tea brand ODD ONE OUT, offering coffee, tea, and meals. The second floor serves as a product display area.
國際潮玩品牌POP MART泡泡瑪特自2022年登台,受到眾多消費者喜愛。在西門町開旗艦店,並結合台灣珍珠奶茶,推出台灣限定版本. ( Marie Claire )
The international designer toy brand POP MART entered the Taiwanese market in 2022 and has since been loved by many consumers. They opened a flagship store in Ximending and collaborated with Taiwan's bubble tea to launch a Taiwan-exclusive version.
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