桃知道 GELEVEN PLAZA 開幕。內有全台最大扭蛋店 萬代GBO台灣一號店。機台數超過 600 台,日本以外最多。 ( 聯合新聞網 )
GELEVEN PLAZA opens in Taoyuan. Inside is the largest capsule toy store in Taiwan, Bandai GBO Taiwan's first store. With over 600 machines, it is the largest outside of Japan.
TOYSNAP 與「SooyaStudio」在新光三越A11 打造「TOYSNAP無人藝廊」。
商品為韓國公仔藝術家Sooya作品,以獨特藝術風格和創新聞名。( Marie Claire )
TOYSNAP and "SooyaStudio" have created the "TOYSNAP Self-Service Art Gallery" at SKM A11.The products feature works by Korean toy artist Sooya, known for her distinctive artistic style and innovative designs.
電玩品牌任天堂從2019年在東京、大阪、京都開設專賣店。而台灣的首家專賣店將在2025年新光三越A11開幕。商品以主機、遊戲、角色為主,也會推出台灣限定商品。 ( POPO筆記 )
The video game brand Nintendo has been opening specialty stores in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto since 2019. Taiwan's first specialty store is scheduled to open at SKM A11 in 2025. The merchandise will mainly focus on consoles, games, and characters, and exclusive Taiwan-only products will also be launched.
遠東集團將大巨蛋商場命名為「遠東Garden City」。商場將連結東區及信義區商圈,結合文創、運動比賽、表演活動,成為休閒、觀光景點。( 中時新聞網 )
Far Eastern Group has named the Taipei Dome Mall "Far Eastern Garden City." The mall will connect the Eastern District and Xinyi District, combining cultural and creative industries, sporting events, and performances to create a destination for leisure and tourism.
10/2 台灣放颱風假。部分城市天氣不受影響,商場正常營業。只有台北101、Bellavita Shopping Center 沒有營業。 ( 聯合新聞網 )
On October 2, Taiwan has a typhoon holiday. Some cities are not affected by the weather, and shopping malls are operating normally. Only Taipei 101 and Bellavita Shopping Center are closed.
10/3 新光三越週年慶,首次與日本任天堂合作。推出集點換瑪利歐人氣角色的週邊贈品。( 中時新聞網 )
On October 3rd, SKM’s anniversary celebration will feature its first collaboration with Nintendo Japan. They will offer popular Mario character-themed merchandise as gifts through a points redemption program.
新店裕隆城在去年9月開幕。年營收可到達40億,是目前誠品營收最高的分店。( ETtoday )
Xindian Yulon City ( Yes!Life Mall ) opened in September last year. Its annual revenue can reach 4 billion, making it the Eslite branch with the highest revenue.
擁有50年歷史,來自日本知名珠寶品牌VENDOME AOYAMA 進駐誠品南西。打造日常穿搭中也能配戴的高級原創首飾。目前全台五家門市。 ( GIRLSTALK )
With a 50-year history, the renowned Japanese jewelry brand VENDOME AOYAMA has opened a store in Eslite Nanxi. It creates high-end original jewelry that can be worn with everyday outfits. There are currently five stores across Taiwan.
台灣超人氣可頌專賣店 Creaminal,於誠品南西開快閃店。除了多款可頌,也推出周邊商品,像帆布袋、襪子、鴨舌帽。( 聯合新聞網 )
The highly popular croissant specialty store in Taiwan, Creaminal, has opened a pop-up shop at Eslite Nanxi. In addition to a variety of croissants, they are also offering merchandise such as canvas bags, socks, and baseball caps.
來自美國人氣卡通Care Bears在西門開設首店。推出多款限定聯名商品,像是鞋款、包包和帽子。( 聯合新聞網 )
The popular American cartoon Care Bears has opened its first store in Ximen. It is launching several exclusive collaboration products, such as shoes, bags, and hats.
10/8 NBA STORE TAIPEI 於台北市東區開幕。開幕儀式邀請NBA傳奇球星 Kevin Garnett來剪綵。提供最完整 NBA 週邊商品,像是球衣、球鞋、公仔。 ( KENLU )
The NBA STORE TAIPEI opened in Taipei's Eastern District on October 8th. NBA legend Kevin Garnett was invited to the opening ceremony to cut the ribbon. The store offers a comprehensive selection of NBA merchandise, such as jerseys, sneakers, and figurines.
·台灣新潮流鞋子品牌 WoWteam ,推出兩款經典鞋型 樂福 (Loafers) 和穆勒 (Mules)。鞋子上可隨意貼上造型裝飾。提供女生們舒適、卻又不無聊的穿著體驗從,正式到休閒場合都可以完美融入 ( 妞新聞 )
The trendy Taiwanese shoe brand WoWteam has introduced two classic shoe styles: loafers and mules. These shoes come with customizable decorative accessories that can be attached as desired, offering women a comfortable yet stylish wearing experience, seamlessly suitable for both formal and casual occasions.
神宮寺拉麵於2021日本名古屋創立。海外第一家店開在高雄漢神巨蛋購物廣場。吸引大量的人潮。( 經濟日報 )
Jinguji Ramen was founded in Nagoya, Japan, in 2021. Its first overseas branch opened at the Hanshin Arena Shopping Plaza in Kaohsiung. The store attracted large crowds.
日本最大二手店「2ndSTREET」進駐東區。該店是在東區的第3家分店。周邊大巨蛋和東區商場的帶動下,明顯人潮恢復。( 今日新聞 )
Japan's largest second-hand store, "2nd STREET," has opened in the Eastern District. This is the third branch in the area. With the influence of the nearby Taipei Dome and Eastern District shopping malls, there has been a noticeable recovery in foot traffic.
日本名古屋「客美多咖啡KOMEDA′S Coffee」進駐基隆港。融入基隆港元素,打造台灣首店。該門市延續品牌特色,早上11點前只要點飲料,就能免費獲得烤吐司一份 ( 食尚玩家 )
The Japanese café "Komeda's Coffee" from Nagoya has opened a store at Keelung Port, incorporating elements of the port to create its first location in Taiwan. This store continues the brand's tradition of offering a complimentary piece of toast with any drink ordered before 11 a.m.
MUJI 邀請8間來自東京的小型工作室,像是皮革、服飾配件…。將在松高旗艦店,展開2天快閃店,讓民眾體驗日本傳統工藝與手作文化。 ( YAHOO 新聞 )
MUJI has invited eight small studios from Tokyo, such as those specializing in leather goods and fashion accessories. They will hold a two-day pop-up store at the Breeze SONG GAO flagship store, offering the public a chance to experience traditional Japanese craftsmanship and handmade culture.
GU 與日本代表性時尚品牌「UNDERCOVER」和美國奇幻電影「綠野仙蹤」合作推出聯名商品。而商品僅限「大型店」販售,像是ATT4FUN店、新竹巨城店與台南南紡購物中心店。 ( 壹蘋新聞網 )
GU collaborated with the iconic Japanese fashion brand “UNDERCOVER” and the American fantasy film “The Wizard of Oz” to launch a collection of co-branded products. These items are exclusively available at “flagship stores,” such as the ATT4FUN store, Hsinchu Big City store, and Tainan Nanfang Shopping Center store.
Global Mall週年慶首度與芭比合作。推出拍照區、超萌扭蛋機和多款聯名禮。( Marie Claire )
Global Mall is collaborating with Barbie for the first time during its anniversary celebration. They are introducing a photo zone, an adorable capsule toy machine, and various co-branded gifts.
美麗華影城於20週年慶,引進台北市首座杜比影院。卓越畫質、沉浸式音頻及精心設計的環境,為觀眾帶來全方位身臨其境的觀影體驗。( 經濟日報 )
Miramar Cinemas Dazhi, in celebration of its 20th anniversary, has introduced Taipei City's first Dolby Cinema. With exceptional image quality, immersive audio, and a meticulously designed environment, it offers audiences a fully immersive movie-watching experience.
北台灣最賺錢「旭集」就在大葉高島屋百貨,年營收達4億元。此外知名日式料理「初魚」全台坪效最高的分店新光三越天母店。全店僅有34個座位,但2024年營收預估可達8000萬元。( 今日新聞 )
The most profitable restaurant in northern Taiwan, “Xuji,” is located in Dayeh Takashimaya Department Store, with an annual revenue of 400 million NTD.The renowned Japanese restaurant “Chuyu” at SKM Tianmu Store has only 34 seats, but its estimated revenue for 2024 is expected to reach 80 million NTD.
來自英國的品牌 Healthy Back Bag。 採用水滴型貼合背部的造型,有效減輕背部負擔,穿戴者更舒適。目前全台門市兩家,首次以快閃店方式進駐百貨 ( The Healthy Back Bag 台灣FB粉絲專頁 )
The Healthy Back Bag, a brand from the United Kingdom, features a teardrop-shaped design that conforms to the back, effectively reducing strain and providing greater comfort for the wearer. Currently, there are two stores across Taiwan, and it has launched its first pop-up store in a department store.
史努比與星宇航空聯合快閃店。位於高雄駁二藝術特區對面的「大港倉8庫」。除大量巨星公仔,還有許多周邊商品 ( ETtoday )
Snoopy and Starlux Airlines pop-up store, located at “Dagang Warehouse No. 8” across from the Pier-2 Art Center in Kaohsiung. In addition to a large collection of giant figurines, there are also many merchandise items available.
台灣擁有130間健身俱樂部的世界健身宣布收購美國World Gym。未來World Gym全球總部將移師台灣。包含行政、行銷、IT以及法務等業務都將由台灣團隊接手。( 數位時代 )
World Gym Taiwan, which operates 130 fitness clubs in Taiwan, has announced the acquisition of World Gym in the United States. In the future, World Gym’s global headquarters will be relocated to Taiwan, where the Taiwan team will take over responsibilities for administration, marketing, IT, legal affairs, and other operations.
哈利波特 快閃店進駐台北東區地下街。打造了霍格華茲經典學院風場景,還推出近百款週邊商品,像是哈利波特魔杖、霍格華茲特快車毛毯。快閃店時間將到明年2/9。( 聯合新聞網 )
A Harry Potter pop-up store has arrived at Taipei East District Underground Mall, featuring classic Hogwarts-inspired scenes. Nearly a hundred merchandise items are available, including the Harry Potter wand and Hogwarts Express blanket. The pop-up store will be open until February 9 next year.
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