林口三井OUTLET 將於今年增加第二館,加強化餐飲、居家生活、親子品牌。預計全館規模可達到300家專櫃。( Look Pretty 美日誌 )
LinKou Mitsui Outlet will add a second building this year, expanding its offerings in dining, home living, and family-friendly brands. The total number of shops is expected to reach 300.
ATKINSONS 成立於1799年的英國香水品牌,在香水發展中佔了重要地位;它今年將在台北A13開全球最大間旗艦店。(BAZAAR)
ATKINSONS, a British perfume brand established in 1799, has played a significant role in the development of perfumes. This year, it will open its largest flagship store in the world at Taipei's A13.
兒童職業體驗遊樂園 KidZania在2025年在南港LaLaport 開幕。台北將是其第33座KidZania座落的城市。 (台灣好新聞)
KidZania, a children's role-playing theme park, will open at LaLaport Nangang in 2025. Taipei will be the 33rd city in the world to open a KidZania.
Amazon Fresh,第一家整合無人結帳系統的生鮮超市。顧客消費後經由系統自動扣款,提供便利性。在美國有44家門市。 ( 經濟日報 )
Amazon Fresh is the first grocery store with a cashierless checkout system. After shopping, customers are automatically charged through the system, offering convenience. There are 44 stores in the United States.
日本餐飲集團Customers Delight的「筑前屋」,將於今年10月到台灣信義區開首店。它有著美味料理、熱情服務和舒適環境。在日本已經開了30間分店,它相當受人喜歡。( 食尚玩家 )
The Japanese restaurant group Customers Delight's '筑前屋' will open its first store in Taiwan's Xinyi District in October of this year. It offers delicious food, warm service, and a comfortable environment. It's very popular and has already opened 30 stores in Japan.
臻鼎集團與誠品生活合作,將在桃園青埔打造企業總部,並引進誠品生活。誠品首度與科技業合作,誠品書店將結合創意設計、主題展覽、親子育樂及國際美食。( 自由時報 )
Zhen Ding Tech. Group is collaborating with Eslite Spectrum to establish its corporate in Taoyuan Qingpu, while also introducing the Eslite Spectrum .
Eslite Spectrum is collaborating with the tech industry for the first time.The Eslite bookstore will integrate creative design, themed exhibitions, family-friendly activities, and international cuisine.
在遠東大巨蛋的金色三麥的新品牌 SPORTS NATION。它是全球首座電子酒精交易所,如股票一樣交易,充滿互動和娛樂性。( 食新聞 )
LEBLEDOR's new brand, SPORTS NATION, at Sogo Garden City. IT is the world's first electronic alcohol exchange. Prices fluctuate like stock trading, offering a highly interactive and entertaining experience.
今年精品業績不好,但珠寶腕表仍有成長。台北101預計在8月底開設香奈兒珠寶腕表旗艦店。也將是亞太區最大店型。( 經濟日報 )
This year, the luxury brands have not performed well, but jewelry and watch brands have still seen growth.
Taipei 101 is scheduled to open a Chanel Jewelry and Watch flagship store by the end of August. It will be the largest store in the Asia-Pacific.
宏匯廣場使用智慧充電機器人提升充電效率。這是台灣商場首次案例。 ( 中時新聞網 )
Honhui Plaza is using intelligent charging robots to enhance charging efficiency. This is the first case in a Taiwanese shopping mall.
Gucci 調整行銷策略。全球Outlet都將關閉,而華泰門市預計9月關閉。( Dcard )
Gucci will adjust its marketing strategy.All global outlets will be closed, and the Gloria Outlets store is expected to close in September. Today I asked the store staff and confirmed the information.
明年統一集團 UNI-PRESIDENT 將在新商場Dream Plaza 開設博客書店。它是首家實體門市。 ( 台股新聞 )
Next year, Uni-President Group will open a Books.com bookstore at the new shopping mall Dream Plaza. It will be their first physical store.
新北市人口總數位居第一,因此許多餐飲集團紛紛進駐,也有不少國際企業來台首選在新北。( TVBS NEWS )
New Taipei City has the largest population in Taiwan, so many restaurant chains see the business opportunity and move in.Many international companies choose New Taipei City to open their first store.
位於赤峰街的小店,赤丸團子 是台灣品牌,為日式團子專賣店,使用日本團子並保留日式復古風,吸引大量人潮。 ( 旅人新聞 )
Chifeng Street.赤丸團子 is a Taiwan brand and a specialty store for Japanese dango.It attracts many customers because it specializes in Japanese dango and retains a traditional Japanese style.
位於微風南山的眼鏡品牌,Gentle Monster 是韓國品牌,韓劇中主角們很常戴,相當的時髦。 ( vogue )
Breeze NanShan.Gentle Monster is a Korea brand.It is so fashionable that protagonists often wear it in Korean dramas.
三創看到的香水品牌。Primaniacs 來自日本,特色為動漫角色的的味道重現。 ( 三創生活 )
Primaniacs is a Japanese brand.It reproduces the smell of comic book characters.